RRVV short survey


The village experience 

Please note that the information requested below is for RRVV’s internal use only. We will not publish any results. 

At the end of the questionnaire, there is space for your comments. We are interested in all the related comments you have to offer, and the name of your village and the operator if you are comfortable doing so. 

Sample Survey

This is a sample survey for RRVV

To what extent does your operator provide you with the information you want about what is happening in your village?
To what extent do you feel your operator understands you as an older person? Never to Always
To what extent do you feel your operator respects you as an older person?
To what extent do you feel in control of your village life? Not at all to Fully
To what extent do you feel part of the village community? Not at all to Fully
To what extent does your operator deliver on its promises?
To what extent do you feel like a valued customer?
To what extent do trust your operator.
If one of your older friends looking to move to a village asked you, would you recommend your operator?
If you had your time over again, would you choose the same operator? Yes or No
Are there any additional comments you would like to include?